Vet School and Food

My adventures through the Veterinary School process, and the meals along the way.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Fresh Mozzarella

The other day when it was nearly one hundred degrees out we decided that we were much too lazy to do anything really productive right away, so we decided to have a picnic instead. We had also come to the conclusion that anything involving the stove was out of the question. We also had to go to Moscow to return something to the building supply. This gave us the opportunity to collect our ingredients. The result:

Fresh Mozzarella Sandwiches
1 baguette sectioned into two 8” sections and sliced in half
one large or two small balls of fresh mozzarella
one bunch of fresh basil
fresh tomatoes sliced
½ ripe avocado sliced
Plenty of olive oil
Splash of red wine vinegar

Combine as you see fit, enjoy!


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