Vet School and Food

My adventures through the Veterinary School process, and the meals along the way.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Peach Productivity

I did three things with the peaches:

1) Ate them, I have had a few today, and I have put the ones that are not too ripe in the fridge for eating and making Peach Kuchen

2) I cut them up in to small pieces and froze them on a cookie sheet until solid then placed them in freezer ziplocks for future oatmeal (musli really)

3) With the remainder which were all moments from rotting, I made freezer jam. I read about a million different peoples ideas on the best way to make peach freezer jam, and this is what I did...
I peeled and quartered a bunch of peaches, placed them in my heavy bottomed pot, added a few cups of sugar and the juice of three lemons (they weren't the juiciest so it only was a few tablespoons worth of juice) and cooked stirring regularly over med-low heat until the concoction reached 224 degrees F. At this point I turned off the burner, covered them and let them come completely to room temperature (it took more than an hour), then I spooned them into freezer tupperware and put them in the freezer.


Blogger Alan said...

What was the yield? How many pounds of peaches and how many pints of jam?

I guess they don't have to be frozen too long before you can take one out and try it -- can't wait to hear how it turned out.

4:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do you get all the energy? I love reading your blog.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Alice and Andrew said...

Energy? Some how the baking and cooking is an energy boost for me. It is the time to think about something totally different and consuming. (and besides all the great food keeps us going and Andrew happy :) )

I think we have about 7 medium sized tupperwares in the freezer of jam. It turned out amazing!!!

Andrew has brought home a bunch of plums, maybe plum jam is in our future.

8:21 PM  

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